Ty HassyのProgressive Innovation



Why people who love themselves and love only their own country tend to become liars.

There are two types of people: those who try to determine the facts and make objective judgments as much as possible, and those who accept only what they want to believe as fact and will never accept what they do not want to believe as fak…


<ENGLISH> 人間には、事実関係を見極めて、出来るだけ客観的な判断をしようとするタイプの人と自分が信じたい事だけを事実として受け入れて、信じたくない事はフェ―クニュースとして絶対に受け入れようとしないタイプの人がいます。 多くのロシア大好き人間のロシア人</english>…

Ancestors never haunt, and the ones who go to hell are those who threaten people by saying they will go to hell!

Recently, the evils of the Unification Church, a South Korean-born international extortion fraud criminal organization, have been exposed one after another, and I would like to briefly review how a mere criminal organization has been decei…


<ENGLISH> 昨今、韓国生まれの国際的な恐喝詐欺犯罪組織である統一教会の悪事が次から次へと暴かれていますが、そもそも単なる犯罪組織がどうやって宗教団体の名を借りて、多くの人を騙して来たのかをざっとおさらいしておきたいと思います。 そもそも統一教会はキリ</english>…